Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 22, 2013 - A day of adjustment

Today was a difficult day, and we are happy it is now over!

Hilary and Eli woke up around 6:30, and prepped for the day, while I woke up around 8:15 or so.  We got ready to meet with some friends for a short little excursion today.  We were going to check things out for getting Eli's stool tested.  They showed us where to go, and we even got a specimen "jar".  Whenever we decide to actually get this done, I will have 20 minutes to a half hour to get this to the testing station.  Probably have to walk a little quickly, but should be able to get it there in time.  We introduced our new son to our friends.  It was a good moment, and Eli seemed to take it all in stride.  Hilary wore him in our baby carrier, and we got many strange looks.  We may be ferengi (how we are referred to here in Ethiopia), but wearing a black baby, increased the curious stares.  One thing we have learned here is that the people here are not shy about their curious stares.  Apparently in years past there have been lots of positive comments by the locals about adoption, but in recent years, that has switched into more of a negative emotion.

We had a great little walk with A&B&I, and had a great little chat.  They are leaving for a couple of days, so we were sad to see them go, but it will be a great experience for them.  We look forward to when they get back, and we spend some more time with them.

We went out for some ice cream and bought a bunch of croissants, which we hope to eat over the next few days.  It tastes pretty good, and it seems that Elijah likes them.  We purchased a pot, and some macaroni, and sauce.  We got the fridge working in our hotel, as well as the hot plate.  Hilary made the macaroni and sauce for the 3 of us, and it got devoured.  We shall be doing this at least a few more times.

In the morning, Elijah was not really interested in coming to me.  Only Hilary was allowed to hold him, or play with him.  In the afternoon, it seems that that was completely switched.  Oh, the fickle emotions of a two year old :)  By the evening, he could enjoy both of us, except if I tried to hug him.  He does not like the beard, or at least the feeling of it on his arm or back.  I'm scared to shave it because it might be another face that he has to get used to.  We shall see how that goes.

We ordered supper, and it came very very late.  By the time it came at almost 8:00, we were starting to get really cranky.  Hilary and I put Eli to bed by singing some songs to him, and reading him a story.  He fell asleep within 10 minutes (even though he fiercely resisted bedtime for a few minutes).  Once Eli was in bed, Hilary and I sat down, and did some work on the computer.

We are glad that this day is done, if for no other reason, than to say that we are now one day closer to being in our own beds in a more comfortable country for us.

One thing we did decide today, was to try and do a little more sight seeing and touring.  What form that takes we will figure out as we go.

Eli's first sunglasses


  1. So...what was the difficult part, exactly? What made it a hard day?

    Is it the homesickness, or did something discourage you about Eli??


  2. Love the sunglasses.

    Kids are fickle. It's happened with all of our little friends - one day they'll come to me, the next time Wes is the only one that exists so we understand the feeling. The beard may just take time for him to adjust to. I think you're wise to not cut it off for awhile. You could start by trimming it back every day so that it doesn't come off all at once but it may just be one more thing that eventually he'll get used to. My suggestion would be to keep it.

    Enjoy your sightseeing!!

  3. Hi! I just discovered you blog for the first time. I haven't read much yet, but the pictures look great! Congrats on the adoption of your son! We have two from Ethiopia... One adopted in 2008 and one in June 2012. I'll look forward to following your journey!

  4. I just re-read my first comment and realized that you might think I was sounding snarky or something. I wasn't intending that, fyi. I just wasn't clear from your post what the hardest parts of the day were and I want to be able to pray more effectively, including about the little things happening on a day-to-day basis.



  5. Hey guys! I was at Abundant Springs all weekend with our youth group and FINALLY got to read your blog tonight. I'm so happy for you all! I know it is tough for you guys to be so far from home, and living in a hotel stinks, but I hope your time there together is valuable. Eli is getting a chance to get used to you both without the distractions of a country that smells, sounds, looks and tastes different. That is a huge gift! Ethiopia is so full of beautiful people- I'm sure they will bless you in their own way. We're praying for you all, and we hope your time in Addis is rich. Eli is yours! Praise God! Love you, Kristal & Byron

  6. That is a proud Papa look! Elijah, you are a lucky boy to have such great parents. We are praying for you as you adjust to parenthood and Elijah adjusts to his new life. Congratulations, all three of you!
    Kevin, Becky, Scott & Holly

  7. I love it!!!! That's a classic pose.

    I love his little hand resting so comfortably on your shoulder. YOU'RE A DAD! Finally.
